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LabAssay HDL-Cholesterol FAQs

About Sample

Q: What specimens should I use?

A: Use fresh specimens. Do not use specimens after repeated freeze-thawing as this may denature lipoproteins.

Q: Which anticoagulants can I use?

A: Anticoagulants such as heparin, citrate and EDTA do not significantly influence the assay when used in normal amounts.

Q: What should I do with samples that exceed the measurable range?

A: Dilute specimen with saline and repeat the assay if the measured value exceeds the measurable range, and multiply the result by the dilution factor.

Q: How should I do when triglyceride in the specimen exceeds 1,000 mg/dL?

A: When triglyceride in the specimen exceeds 1,000 mg/dL, dilute the specimen with saline and multiply the result by the dilution factor.

About Kit Usage

Q: What instruments, and equipment are required for the assay using this kit?

A: The instruments and equipment required for the use of this kit are listed below.

  • 96-well microplate (transparent type)
  • Micropipette
  • Incubator maintained at 37℃
  • Plate mixer
  • Microplate reader (with 600 nm/700 nm wavelength filter)

Q: What is the amount of purified water to be added to the standard product?

A: Because the volume of distilled water to be added to the standard differs depending on the lot, see the specified volume in a separate sheet.

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